GOD!!! I HAVE TO GO TO TUAS AREA for activation!!! god!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
GOD!!! I HAVE TO GO TO TUAS AREA for activation!!! god!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
This is another quiz to state what my name meant..
L - is a very good kisser
O - has one of the best personalities ever
W - can be funny and dumb at times
W - can be funny and dumb at times
E - has gorgeous eyes
I - is really sweet & romantic
J - is very sexual
I - is really sweet & romantic
E - has gorgeous eye
Friday, May 08, 2009
My Full Name de meaning!!!!
O : You are very open-minded.
W : You like your privacy.
W : You like your privacy.
E : You are a very exciting person.
I : You are always smiling and making others smile.
J : Jealously.
I : You are always smiling and making others smile.
E : You are a very exciting person.
My name de meaning!
W : You like your privacy.
E : You are a very exciting person.
I : You are always smiling and making others smile.
J : Jealously.
I : You are always smiling and making others smile.
E : You are a very exciting person.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
04 May 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Boring Weekend
Friday, April 24, 2009
What type of dog fits best with your lifestyle?
Fox Terrier/Rat Terrier/Jack Russel Terrier
You have a lot of energy and want a dog that is always one step ahead of you. These dogs are HIGH ENERGY and have the ingenuity of MacGyver. You will need to make sure all treats, medications, off-limit toys or items are kept well out of reach and check back to make sure they are still there. This breed can fit into the smallest of holes and devise a plan to get whatever they want whenever they want. They are good family dogs, however, they do have their breaking point, so be cautious with young children and teach them how to pet nicely and when enough is enough. As you're reading this your dog is probably in the kitchen eating the garbage. Probably should go fix that....
yeah!, i knew it.. i knew that Jack Russel Terrier is one of my choice!!! YEAH!!!!
But i cant own any of them.. =(
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Facebook Quiz
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Meaningful Video!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
OMG! its so true la!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
29 March 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Jap Name
Sanyu means happiness so you have a good attitude and everyone loves that about you!
OMG!, i cant believe it!
MY SINGLISH LEVEL IS A - Your command of Singlish is Excellent!
wah.. damn stress ah!!
finally do some bo liao quiz to de-stress..
i know someone is watching this blog..!!!
24 Mar 2009
dont feel like working now!
WHY is god doing this to me!
making me going through all the hell!!!
When will i reach my heaven!?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
17 March

15 March
14 March 2009 Mahjong!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
my cute little nephew, JAVEN
went over to her house and visit her and her baby of course.. chit chat about the labour period.. and everything about her baby.. SO CUTE.. the baby is so cute lo..
took only 2 picture of him before his dad fed him with milk and carry him around and walk!! but hor.. my cute little nephew very smart lei.. ask him to open his eyes hor to take photo.. he dont want sia.. win liao lo.. hai..
ok la.. write till here.. need to sleep liao lo.. tomorrow still got work!!! :(
haha.. bye guys.. will update again as i will be going to her house again with my parents..!!!! OMG!!!

my Tuesday blues!
Vence Birthday
Saturday, March 07, 2009
07 Mar 2009
since monday till thursday, been working on database, so tiring lo.. must ensure this and that.. if not something sure to go wrong somewhere.. hai~ luckily wednesday, i escape earlier from a hell to a nightmare.. went for RT on wednesday.. make us run like mad!!!! haha^^ at the beginning say we will be running for 2 round max! but then, 2 round after 2 round.. i almost faint sia.. LOL!! my whole face was white in colour when i go to the toliet to clean up before leaving the camp~
Friday, went to course to know better about a new database.. actually got a lot question la.. but must use the system for while some time before the question can be actually be asked.. lol!!! it also concern about the process we are also working on!!! poor jennifer, i think she will be very stress nowadays due to the process!!!! haha^^
today, went for my usual RT.. WORSE!!!! WORSE RT SESSION EVER!!!! i though that it was raining today, so the training will be slacker than usual but NO!!!! the training is WORSE as the rain suddenly stop! and the stupid PTI tell us to run run run run run run, dash, dash, dash, dash, dsah, jog, jog, jog, jog, jog!!!
wtf! been running in the "stadium" for like 7 rounds today! i dont know how many kilometre have i run but i know it sure is lesser than 2.4km! haha^^ i guess.. haha^^ it was really very shag after the 3rd round.. also dont know why sia!!! come back to my house, eat my dinner, was damn shag liao.. but heng heng, no pain in my leg or whatsoever.. so happy.. only my shoulder is pain lo.. also dont know why sia!!!
haha.. was very happy that JASMIN have given birth to a very handsome prince! JAVEN LOH.. have arrived in this world, hope i can see him soon in person although some of his pictures is already in the net for the world to see!!!
So, EARTH!!! take a close look on my handsome nephew as he will grow up to be a handsome(of course) , smart, kind prince whom he will find a beautiful princess waiting for him!!! So, beautiful princess, watch out as he will be coming!!! hahaa^^
wah.. look like i have written alot for today's post.. hope that this will never happen again! i also dont know what to expect for monday as JENNIFER is going to test me on the database!!! like as if i will fail lo.. HAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHHA^^ =D
ok la.. i write till here, later got mahjong session liao.. hai~ dont know will win $$$ or lose $$$ hahah
when i am done with the mahjong session, i will upload the pictures of my winning(or even losing) on the blog bah? LOL!!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
24 Feb 2009
Once again, i have come to update my blog!!!
Monday was a just a normal, boring, alot of work de monday! hai~ so stress, thinking of going to RT on wednesday.. hai, just bored..
didnt talk to someone for like 2 days le? guess i really cannot stand your fucking attitude problem liao, i think if you were to show me any attitude from now onwards, please dont expect me to talk to you nicely or treat you nicely or whatsoever.. haha^^ i am being mean now!! LOL
Ah Yong came down to the job fair with me today, went to PropNex for a real estate position and then to some retail positions! hai!! Ah Yong, must go training first.. if not useless to find job in Singapore!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!
Went lunch with him and bring him to see susan.. hoping susan can talk some sense to him!!! lol.. at least he is better than AH MENG!!! ah meng is a useless guy with useless guts and useless brain!!!
HAI!!! tomorrow is my second RT session, but my first exercise de RT.. dont know still can exercise or not.. for so long, i am not moving my muscle.. lol!!!
looks like i have to accept the fact that i have to exercise!!! :( hai..
i guess i write till here so that i can go sleep early and forget about the RT.. although i will be going tomorrow!!! LOL!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
20 Feb 2009 and RT starts!!!
Today, was quite a fine day, went to the office, do what i usually do, till lunch~.. same thing again at lunch.. after lunch, went back to office and do work.. but the unusual thing is today, go some connection event and all the perms had to go and attend that.. finally got some air to breathe after they went for the event..
What makes me dulan is the JG de stuff... pile till like mountain.. dont know what to do with and where to start off doing all those stuff.. headache headache ah!!!
still got invoice to clear.. wah!! sian!!!!
finally it was time to go back and went back home and had dinner with my younger brother.. then its MAHJONG TIME!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!
i just remember that, i got to pei my friend for job fair at bedok at 11pm, then RT at 4pm.. SHIT.. what a busy saturday!!!
guess, i go play mahjong first then update my winning of the games!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
17 Feb 2009
Finally, my office came 2 beautiful girl to boost our morale to work yesterday! Today, i was just keying data for almost half a day!!! :( and my boss confirm to extend my contract at e2i. but still dont know whether i will be drawing hourly or monthly lo.. :( hai.. this is what bother me bah..
Hongmin send me the l4d sms tone!!! so damn funny and scary la!!! cool!!!!
and then heard from my colleauge, the other colleauge is complaining about me not helping lo.. haha^^ of course dont want to help you la.. so irriating.. you are so irriating, and you want me to help you? PEI!!!! i wouldnt lo..
nothing big happen today.. so i guess have to write til here..
Guys, TILL NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
11 Feb 2009
Talking about CNY! its been quite a fun 15 days for me, its been mahjong weekends for me to earn some cash out of the CNY!!! haha^^ i pity my friend as he lose $400 bucks just 2 days of mahjong! hai.. just treat as a school fees bah.. haha^^
hmmm.. its was bussyyy days after CNY!!! till now! then i can update my blog! hai.. going to be jobless soon.. last day in my current company will be 1 march!!
Quite sad to leave my current company as i learn alot of stuff from my seniors here, will miss my mentor also.. teaches me too many things le.. THANK YOU ALL!!!!
today was a boring day, data-entry and calling out to JS for job offer. call call call!!! hai.. boring.. key key key!!! hai.. boring..
finally i had my resume all done up and ready to send out to Employers. Hope i will have a job soon with good enough pay.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
21 Jan 2009, 4 more days to CNY!!!
actually wanted to update yesterday, but my internet was been suspended due to a late payment, damn~ sway la!!!!
Dont talk about yesterday liao.. lets talk about today!!! :)
Today, was in the office for the damn whole day la.. Once i reach the office, WORK JUST KEEP coming.. everything must be done by 5pm today!!! OMG!!! luckily, i am quite in a good mood as i got enough sleep yesterday due to the suspended internet connection. haha^^.. Times flies damn fast during the morning, then it was LUNCH!!!!
Went for lunch, came back to office to clear my back lot stuff, finished almost half of it around 4 when i go and have a cup of MILO to de-stress.. then QIAN DUO is so nice, gave me 2 free snacks for 3 paid drinks!.. LOL!!!! after that, went back to work again!!!! :S it was almost 6.30pm when i looked at the clock! TIME TO PACK UP!!! and go shopping for shoes and short pants!!!
Went to Queensway Shopping Centre with Hong Min and Alvin Ang. went to have LAKSA before heading out to shop.. walk quite alot of places, made fun of the RETAIL ASSISTANT, then alvin needs to get back home liao, left me and hong min and his brother to shop.. Persuaded hong min to buy shoe is like i am talking to a wall lo.. i said this one nice, he said colour not nice, i said that colour is cool, he said is shining! wah lao.. all the ones i choose, actually is i wanted to buy but i am in a wrong attire and no budget.. then finally he and his brother bought their shoes and we went back home!!!
I shouldn't have listen to HONG MIN words and take bus back!!! damn, the bus took 1 and 1/2 hrs to reach bedok interchange from Queensway shopping centre la.. fall asleep in the bus for like half an hour lo.. haha^^ BUTT is damn pain la!!! Finally i reach home and went for a bath!!!!
FROM TODAY onwards, i will rather stand inside the MRT than sit in the BUS!!! OMFG!!!! hai..
guess i am going to sleep le, not feeling very well..
*dreaming about you*
Monday, January 19, 2009
Moody, Boring DAY!
Damn moody to go to work today, then i was a bit happy hearing that someone is not around!!!! damn happy la.. went to help out with events, nothing special happen, then went for lunch.! This is when something happen!!! haha^^
I made someone so angry!!! Sorry!!! hai, shouldnt have done that. Sorry for being so insensitive to you!!! Sorry!!! SOrry!!! SORry!!! SORRy!!! SORRY!!!
but too bad, you dont read my blog, if not you will know how sorry i am!!!! :S
So, i guess this is it! i am feeling damn sleepy, so i think i write till here and go to sleep liao!!
Good night to all, and SWEET DREAMS!!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
17 Jan, a stay home day :(
after i visited JUN HONG yesterday, my bro called me up and ask me whether i can join in the mahjong session later on.. so i agree.. and went back home and waited for him to book out and start the session.. so, by the time we start our game, its already 12am bah? i guess, didnt notice about the time cause my brother went for a supper before the game then we started the game.. damn, i was damn unlucky playing the mahjong, i lose almost $200bucks by the end of the 1st game, luckily it was still "early", its only like 2am in the morning.. so we decided to have a 2nd game, then luckily i get to change seat and i got out of the sway seat!!!! haha.. and luckily i get to win and by the end of the 2nd game, i only lose like $30 bucks.. but my brother lose almost $180 just because he went to guard that guy who is winning.. hai~
after the game, i went to sleep while they went on to play DOTA!!! omg, how young kids get this kind of energy? its already like 6am when we finish the 2nd game! i think old people need more sleep bah? LOL!!!!
sleep till 4pm this afternoon lo.. haha^^ but i had nowhere to go, no one is free to go out for a movie or shopping with me. :( i guess i am born to be a loner bah? lol..
guess i had to watch channel 5 at home as there is a movie showing.. PITCH BLACK ? omg, looks cool lo.. monster!!! lolx..
had to wait till 9pm for the STARWARS: Clone Wars animation.. although i am not a supporter of starwars.. but master yoda is very cool.. i like him in the whole movie only!!! haha^^
guess i will update my blog later after the movie ? lolx..
Friday, January 16, 2009
16 Jan 2009 at e2i office
First of all, my "MUM" treat me breakfast, ZHU CHEONG FUN!!!! haha^^ then after the breakfast, went back to have some coffee with my team mates and gossiping about our boss!!! haha^^ then hai, came back to work work work work work work till 11plus, when that stupid english educated RITA asked me for help for translation from english to chinese. She was damn useless la, dont even know the Hanyu Pingyi for those chinese words! luckily, there is Alvin ANG who is quite good at it who helped me alot on the translation, after the translation, IT WAS LUNCH!!! so damn happy when it was time for lunch la!!!! haha^^ finally out of office for some lunch!
Went to Alexandra IKEA for MEATBALLS pasta, and some chicken wings! so damn full la.. and went on to "steal" some pencil to use lo.. haha^^ when i came back to office, i was happy to hear that all my team mates had to go for a meeting at OMB, so now currently, there is no one here! happily listening to music, handling some walk-in case, opening the door my favourite cleaner auntie.. haha.. and BLOGGING!!!! haha^^ but had to work till 6.30pm lo.. maybe later go and visit JUN HONG!!!!
WTF, Hong Min, you just wasted 8 pax of good stuff and fed it to the floor la!!!!!!! ARGH!!!! who ask you to use so much strength, i just said, use some strength to open it!!!!!!!! some, not MUCH!!!!!!! argh!!!
Feeling so damn sleepy la!!!! :( 4.45pm only!!!!
HI BOAT PLATOON 3, Please kindly visit JUN HONG!!!! he is hospitalized for almost a week!!! please kindly spare some time out and go and visit him lo..!!! haha^^
Its been almost a year!
Finally after almost a year, i finally remember my password and account name for my blog, and i though since i am in the office, doing so many darn shit, might as well, slack for awhile and update my boring blog space. :)
For all who didnt know i have already change jobs, please kindly note that i am now serving e2i except for that stupid little warehouse!!!!
Whoever wanted to find jobs, you can kindly contact me lo.. BUT i dont have any admin post with me ah currently! :)
Darn, i dont even know whether is e2i going to convert me to perm staff if not i had to leave e2i in a sad mood because i will be coming back to e2i as a JOBSEEKER!!! looking for jobs then :(
So many things to think, 1)Education, 2)Job. Dont wanna to think too much ahead, must settle this both before JUNE if not i seriously dont know what is my future! :)
dont know what to write liao lei..haha^^